Sunday, August 30, 2009

I've been busy this week since I have to keep my leg elevated again & everything. I apologize that some of the pics came out darker than I expected, and it was too late to retake them when I found out. There were 5 toys dropped today. As my knee is blown out again my daughter (Heather) & her girlfriend (Dede) assisted in this drop. They observed two of the toys being found. The snake and the red Scottie, two little girls found them & were very excited at the find.  I think Dede was more excited and had more fun out of it than the children did.
This is a "cat doll" that we dropped in one of the many flower gardens of a local park.
This is a small snake that I used the last of some leftover fabric to make, it was dropped on a water fountain near a playground at the same park.
This is a black Scottie Dog that was dropped on a bench near the playground in the same park.
This is a red Scottie that was dropped in a secluded sitting area of the same park.
This is a teddy bear that we dropped just across the street from the park.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Toy Drop 8-26-09

This little snake was drop at a local church that is next door to a local food bank. There was no one around when I put it up but feel certain that it did not stay there long.

 This was found

Toy Drops 8-25

I dropped this little fellow at a local park on 8-25-09, It is in one of the less affluent neighborhoods of Ft wayne, IN.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Home again Home again

Jiggity Jog...well more like Wow that was fun but now I need a week to rest up from my vacation!

We did not sleep too good on this trip we were supposed to get a queen size bed but had a full size bed, yeah that worked out real well for two queen size women in a full size bed. Unfortunatly we could not switch rooms as the place was sold out. :(

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Be Home Monday or Tuesday Have a great weekend everyone!

My second drop I choose a local soup kitchen/ homeless shelter. The toy was another Scotty dog but about 2 times the size of the first two and made from cotton novelity print of doggy stuff, the fabric has dogs on it & phrases such as bow wow or ruff ruff.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I joined The Toy Society

I have always enjoyed sitting around sewing as I watch TV with my partner. I can once more enjoy doing this. As a result I recently found and joined The Toy society. I made my fiirst toy drop on 5-18. I dropped a total of two toys in two seprate locations.

I made two little Scotty dog stuffies. I made these from felt a dark brown one and a cream one. I gave the dark broen one black eyes and nose all embrodered with an orange ribbon. The cream colored one had embrodered blue eyes and a tiny black pompom nose with a blue ribbon to match the eyes. The cream colored was dropped at a church daycare/sunday school. The dark brown one was dropped at our local park on a play thingy that has bridges slides and that sort of thing.

Made from polymere clay this was made to represent the goddess and the earths fertility. It was sent as a swap via

Road to Recovery

For many years I was unable to even use my sewing machine, last Nov. I underwent surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In the last few months I have found that I can again use my sewing machine, and use a needle and thread again. I am relearning to crochet, though my efforts at this time is very juvenile. I am once more happily using my hands to create things to bring others joy. Whether it be toys for The Toy Society, or gifts for my family or others I am finally enjoying my recovery and decided to share it with you.