Thursday, December 24, 2009

Pink bear found!

Pink bear found

I love that one person wrote the toy society & said they found one of my toys!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Xmas Drop 2009 Made!

With the help of my daughter & her boyfriend Jaye I managed to get all 9 out even though we had snow today. Below is pics of the drops!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The World Wide Toy society Toy Drop 2009

These are the toys I plan to drop tomorrow for the Toy Society World Wide Xmas Toy Drop. I came a bit short of my goal but I'm still happy with what I have.

The Pampered Pooch

Some of you may have heard me talk about our dog better known as the Pampered Pooch or Miss Sara. She has been a wonderful animal to have when we got her she was a submissive urinator. That is a condition that never changes, it just means the animal is extremely submissive and will show it by urinating.  We had to learn how to approach her and what not to do with her. Well evidently we did a very good job of giving her what she needs because we rarely have incidents now. Oh you will see her favorite toys in the pictures an old sock! These pictures were taken the other day as we were playing.

Pagan swaps I did

3 things every witch needs Swap

The requirements for this swap

For this swap you will create for your partner three things that you think every witch needs. Basically, witch essentials.:-)
Some ideas:
  • a journals for a book of shadows
  • a wand
  • a tarot deck
  • a mini-cauldron
  • some incense
Whatever you think every witch needs....this is not partner specific, but after partners have been assigned, check it out for color ideas, or wants.
There is no $ amount for this swap, but no dollar store items. Make this swap something you'd like to receive.

What I sent was:
A small journal to keep as a Book of Shadows, of course you will need something to write with so I added a nice pen.  Next I made a pentagram, with colors for the elements dark blue-water, light blue-air, green-earth, and red-fire on the background the pentagram itself is constructed of brown (wood) and ivy as symbols of a Green Witch. I added a red ribbon so that you could hang it or even use it as a bookmark for your BoS. Next I created for an anklet made from black glass beads, amethyst, rose quartz and a goddess pendant I made from Sculpy.  A small wooden box to keep small treasures in, that you find or receive. A small alter cloth designed to reflect the owner is a green witch. In a small tin you will find an alter incense/offering for Yule. Additionally I added a  few found stones. I also included a briquette to use with it.  Lastly you will find some address labels just because I wanted to include them.

Next was Sacred Solstice Swap 

Swap requirements:

For this swap you have one partner and must have a rating of 4.8 or higher and no no-sends.
What you send:
Something from the earth (stone, crystal, feather, herbs, etc)
Something magickal (a few sticks of incense, magick candle, oil, etc)
Something handmade and fitting the time (images of the sun, god/goddess, evergreens, fire are some examples)
And lastly a letter describing either a ritual you have done for the solstice, something you love about winter, a connection you have to old yule customs, or just describing simple ways of enjoying the holidays.

What I sent:

Something from the earth several semiprecious stones and chips each have a hole drilled into them & can be strung and put them in different areas of the home.  Rose Quartz (large pink stone) draws love and happiness. Amethyst (almost clear purple) purportedly increases spiritual awareness, used in all workings for peace, love, happiness and protection, also used in divination and psychic work. Clear Quartz, used for protection, psychic ability. Aventurine (darker green of the stones) used to increases mental powers, perception and creative insight, gambler's stone. The last one I can’t remember what it is but I had a very strong sense that it was supposed to be included in the package.   

Something magickal: I ask my partner  had a need and she said she was having trouble relaxing. I have thought about this and decided the best approach was a multi pronged approach. I relize that many people can not relax if the area they live in is not cleasnsed, for that purpose I am including some sea salt to be mixed with water and sprinkled around the home. Second the person must be grounded therefore I have included a hemitite ring if it does not fit wear it on a neacklace against your skin. Third I have blended an herbal incense with the magical properties of calm, peace and relaxation. Lastly I am including some teas I find that actually do a good job of helping me relax, you can sweeten with honey.
Lastly something handmade and fitting the time, you will find a sun image for the alter it is made strickly free hand so while many may be simular none will be exactly like it.