Requirements of Yule Swap
1 You will send 1 item that is pagan themed (can be handmade or store bought)
2 Something to pamper our partner (can be home made or store bought). Examples warm socks, gormet coffee, homemade soaps, facial scrubs, lotions, bath bombs anything that the reciever can use for themself and makes them feel special. Please post allergies here, the last thing anyone would want is to send someone something that will make them ill.
3.1 Yule related item; maybe an alter item in the colors of Yule blues and silvers and whites and sun colors reds and golds, herbs associated with Yule, figurine of an animal associated with Yule.
4.1 item just because (you fill in the blank)
Once more my joy at doing these swaps overrides my good sense & my postage budget ;) To give you an idea of what I sent.
1 Pagan themed item I sent her a goddess pendent & pentagram for your alter. (I made both from Sculpy)
2 Something to pamper yourself. I made her a foot cream I included my recipe ffor her to make more of her own if she liked it.. A wonderful soap I found that contains Rosemary & Thyme. Rosemary is used for purification as is Thyme. However medically Thyme has powerful antibacterial, antibiotic properties, which will be a help since she is diabetic. I am inculding some homemade bath salts that was given to me, I can’t use it so I thought she might enjoy it, I did repackackage it. I also got you a pair of bath and shower gloves, I loves these myself and thought she might enjoy a pair.
3 Candles, since Yule is a celebration of the lengthening of days and of the nights getting shorter I send you candles to light the longest night, of the year. Also I am sent her a silver star to help welcome back the light.
I also included several herbs that are linked to Solstice as well as a hematite ring and an alter cloth.